Singapore 1.68 World Country – The Difference Between First, Second and Third World Countries

Singapore The 1.68 World Country – The Difference Between First, Second and Third World Countries Singapore is a success story by all rights. In less than half a decade a generation of hard-working Chinese Malaysians built a nation up from a small rural third world community into a first world city-state. For two decades Singapore…

Building Synergies. Strategy by Jim Kayalar

Building Synergies How many times have you heard these: “We are aiming at building synergies” “New organizational synergies will help to curb operational costs” “Corporate synergies will help us achieve sustainable competitive advantage” I hear them several times every week and every time there is a merger or acquisition. It seems all CEO’s and their…

Facebook, Linkedin and Amazon are Dumb Computers (Still)

Facebook, Linkedin and Amazon are Dumb Computers (Still) All three companies and a host of other organizations that have web-based business models use computer algorithms. Algorithms being the brain of the operation, storing and calculating your every view, click based on browsing history data. Super computers at Facebook, Linkedin and Amazon try to predict the…

Does The World Need Western Education?

Does The World Need Western Education? Sometimes I wonder if Western knowledge and skill set in the form of capacity building should be undertaken in developing nations? What good is capacity building and transferring of knowledge and pursuant skill set to developing nation Peoples if the moment they walk out of the seclusion and comfort…

Pharma Industry Business Model: Treatments not Cures

Pharma Industry Business Model: Treatments not Cures Getting older also means more trips to the Doctor. The need to go to the Doctor more often after a certain age translates into your body wearing out and your different organs having problems in fulfilling their functions. Not unlike a business organization that may have problems with…

Brazil Disappoints! Football World Cup 2014

Brazil disappoints! Football World Cup 2014 The people of Brazil are on the streets protesting that the $11 Billion investment in hosting the games has done little for them. They want better transportation, communication, education and jobs. Most of the proposed infrastructure projects such as transportation and communication are incomplete, many others have either been…